Call For
Roadside Assistance
Austin TX

(512) 983-9017

If your vehicle is disabled on any roadway and your vehicle possess a safety hazard, you should activate your hazard lights and get you and your passengers away from the vehicle immediately and walk away to a safe distance.

Once you and your passengers are at a safe distance immediately dial 911 and inform them that your vehicle is blocking a lane and that it possesses a traffic hazard for other motorists.

Dialing 911 to report a safety issue on the roadway to prevent traffic accidents or injuries is highly recommended by law enforcement everywhere and it’s free.

Once you call, they will send the appropriate number of officers to secure the scene to prevent vehicular accidents.

SAFETY is Always First!

Other than stopping at a red light or at a stop sign, never stop or stand still on or near traffic lanes. If your vehicle gets a flat tire or somehow stops running always completely exit the highway or roadway and stop your vehicle in a safe place away from traffic. If you are forced to stop on the right or left shoulders always move as far away from the traffic lanes as safely possible.

If your vehicle is too close to traffic lanes or is in traffic lanes turn on your hazard lights and get yourself and everyone else to a safe distance away from the vehicle. Do not worry about papers, I.D.’s or any items in the vehicle. You can get them once the police secure the scene and prevent collisions.

Gore Points!

Never stop your vehicle on a Gore Point!

What’s a Gore Point?

Gore Points are the triangular shape areas located by the exits and entrances to the highways. Those areas are called gore points and reverse gore points and they are highly prone for accidents since lots of distracted drivers enter or exit the highways in a hurry and sometimes do it at the last second in order not to miss their exit and unfortunately many plow onto the unsuspecting stranded vehicles parked in those areas.

Gore Point on Highway roadside assistance Roadside Service

When stranded on the highway or roadways always take precautions to ensure your safety by assessing the situation, the location, the traffic and safety conditions.

If your stranded vehicle is located on or too close to traffic lanes, turn on your hazard lights and immediately get everyone out and away from the vehicle to safety. Once out of the vehicle and if possible, place cones, reflective triangles or other traffic warning devices several feet behind the stranded vehicle to warn unsuspecting motorists of the hazard located ahead and call the police to inform them of the traffic hazard. Some people believe that they will be charged a fee if they call the police or that calling the police should only be done in case of an actual crime or after an accident occurred, but no. Police departments everywhere would rather respond to hazards to prevent property damage and physical injuries than knowing that someone collided. Dialing 911 in a real safety situation is free, acceptable, encouraged and recommended!

Barriers and Barricades!

Never climb, jump on or jump over barriers or barricades without first seeing what’s on the other side or below them.

Unfortunately, lots of people get injured yearly or lose their life because they climbed onto, fell from or jumped over barriers or barricades without knowing that there was nothing on the other side and fell down from bridges and overpasses. These types of accidents happen at night due to low light conditions but they do occur during daylight.

Stay safe, always check and make sure your companions are also aware of the risks.

Request Roadside Assistance 

(512) 983-9017